Intro and Welcome

Hi :)

My name is Leah.

I like making stuff.. lots of stuff... from mittens to a water feature to remote temperature monitors and solar powered systems. Basically I like learning new things and keeping my mind occupied.

This blog will be a record of things that I make with enough details to allow others to copy or customise and create their own things. It may also include code, computer projects and electronics.

In my day job I am a technical services manager, network admin and copier & large format engineer. I have experience with html, php, mySql, python, MS Server including Exchange and Client OS, Linux Mint, Raspbian etc...

Hope you find something helpful :)

Oh and this is Rosetta, our rescue cat. We think she is around 11 years old but nobody knows for sure. She has lived with 4 families over her life but now that she is with us she has found her forever home. She will be making frequent appearances as she loves company and being in the way :p




  1. I love this!! Well done 😃 Can’t wait to read more x


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